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EMBLA All Season Icelandic Wool Duvet

EMBLA All Season Icelandic Wool Duvet

Regular price 27.900 ISK
Regular price Sale price 27.900 ISK
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Embla duvet is a natural choice for healthy sleeping. The duvet is made from Icelandic wool. Embla has many fine thin layers of wool nonwoven, this all-season duvet is suited for temperatures around 17-22 °C. We recommend Embla all-season duvet for people usually using average duvet fillings.
The Icelandic wool is an outstanding thermal insulator, breathable as well as a moisture regulator. Embla is a light duvet that keeps you comfortably dry and cosy at the right temperature.

Sleeping surrounded by wool will improve your sleep, and there are scientific reasons for that. The wool regulates your body temperature. The wool fibres in our duvets are nonwoven, which means there is volume between the fibres. This allows for air to be trapped between them (air is a great insulator). This structure maximises the efficiency of the wool as thermal insulator.

What happens if you are too hot? Wool is a great moisture regulator and can absorb up to 30% of its own weight in moisture. Wool fibres absorb moisture and excess heat from your body and release it on the outside. This keeps you comfortably dry and cosy at the right temperature.

Lopidraumur are eco-friendly, sustainable, and cruelty-free. Additionally, our products are naturally hypoallergenic.


  • Natural
  • Breathable
  • Sustainable
  • Eco friendly
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to clean
  • Odour repellent
  • Moisture regulation
  • Temperature regulation

Technical specification

Weight and filling (100% Icelandic wool)

  • 140 x 200 cm: 1.7 kg with 1 kg filling
  • 140 x 220 cm: 2.1 kg with 1.1 kg filling
  • 200 x 200 cm: 3.2 kg with 1.4 kg filling
  • 220 x 200 cm: 1.6 kg filling

Cover: 100% Cotton – Batiste
11,5-12,5 Tog: (Thermal Resistance)

Wool detergent and gentle wool cycle at 40°C. Tumble dry only on low heat 

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Based on 83 reviews
Haukur Elvarsson


Jón Örn Arnarson
Topp vörur og topp þjónusta

Alveg hreint frábærar vörur og þjónustan til fyrirmyndar.

Anna Dóra Jónsdóttir

EMBLA All Season Icelandic Wool Duvet

Sigurjón Hjálmarsson
Ástfanginn á gamals aldri

Sá hana fyrst samanbrotna, umkomulausa og nakta. Ég færði hana í náttserkinn og við sváfum saman. Fyrata nóttin okkar var ljúf og síðan eru næturnar orðnar nokkuð marga og ég er ástfanginn upp fyrir haus af sænginni minni EMbLU frá LOPIDRAUMUR

Hafdís Ólafsdóttir

Dásamleg sæng

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Elísa Katrín Erlendsdóttir

Góð og hlý sæng, ekki of hlý

Petra Louise Mazetti Mazetti

æðislega létt og mjúk, aldrei of heitt og aldrei of kalt :-)

Margrét Grímsdóttir
Góð sæng

Búin að sofa með sængina í rúma viku og líður allavega enn sem komið er mjög vel með hana. Mjög góð temprun, mér verður ekki og kalt eða of heitt, svitna ekki undir henni.